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Woodville Primary School

School's motto - Where this is learning in the air


Welcome to our Thrive home page. 

We are very proud to be Thrive school and offer essential support and guidance to a range of children within school. Our Thrive team is Mrs Brock, Mrs Appleton and Mrs Buckle and between us, we strive to help the children recognise their strengths and empower them for the future. We spend time getting to know the children either through targetted support or our daily lunchtime drop in service. At the heart of everything we do, we embrace the Thrive philosophy that for a child to be a successful life long learner, they must have a stable mental health. 

Children respond to the world in different ways and sometimes a bump in the road can cause a great deal of upset. Through our Thrive support, we aim to help children manage these tricky situations and arm them with ways to navigate life's twists and turns. 

All children in school are monitored for their social and emotional mental health and wellbeing and those that present with a specific need or would benefit from some support may be offered group or one to one Thrive sessions. In the times we live in, children worry more and more and often do not know the right way to deal with these emotions. If you would like to talk to one of the team about any concerns you may have for your child, we can be contacted through where one of the team will be able to help.