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Woodville Primary School

School's motto - Where this is learning in the air

Class 5B - Owls

Final few days...

Thank you so much for the gifts that I have received. It is very kind and thoughtful of you. I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching all of the children this year and will be very sad to see them go. I hope that you all have a wonderful summer and the children return to school ready for their final year at primary school.  


These last few days are slightly disjointed with lots of 'end of year' assemblies etc so I am inviting the children to bring in games, crafts of anything they would like to share with their friends for when we have free time. No electronics please. We will be watching the Imaginary, which is our class read, Monday PM; please let us know via the year 5 email if you would rather your child did not. 

Thank you

Mrs Brock


Student Leadership Team for 2024/25

I have spoken to the children about the opportunity to be part of the Student Leadership Team for next year. They seemed excited to have the opportunity. The roles will be of Head Pupil(s), Deputy Head Pupil (s) and Student Leaders.

If they would like to be considered they will need to do the following:

  • Write a speech which talks about why people should vote for them. It should detail the characteristics they have which would make them a good student leader. It should also talk about what they would do for the school if they were voted in. Please encourage the children to be realistic and not promise things that they cannot provide like giant swimming pools and sweets! They must also not bribe the children in any way.
  • Create one A4 poster to bring to school that can be photocopied and handed around to each class. These need to be in school by the 19th June. No later.
  • Deliver their speech in a whole school assembly on the 24th June. Voting will happen after this and results delivered in assembly on Friday 28th June.

Mrs Brock



Athletics taster session

On Friday 7th June, Year 5 have an athletics taster session at school. This will take place of PE for Wednesday so for this week only, children will need PE kit on Thursday and Friday.

Mayan Homework

Please find attached the homework sheet that children will be given for the Easter holidays. This is due in on the Tuesday of the first week back.


Residential information

Thank you for attending this evening's meeting. Please find below the slides that I went through. If you require any further information, please send me an email at

Residential information

World Book Day

This Thursday is World Book Day and the theme is wear your PJ's to school! Because of this, and the activities that are planned for the day, the children will not need to wear PE kit. Please make sure that children have suitable footwear and a coat for outside. I don't mind if they would like to wear slippers in the classroom to complete their bedtime reading concept! They can also bring in their favourite book to share with their friends. 



On Friday, we are starting to make our cam toy prototypes in our DT lessons. Please can we have any cardboard boxes or cereal boxes that you no longer need. 


Many thanks


Spring term

Welcome to the Spring term of year 5. I hope you had a lovely Christmas. 

This term's overview can be accessed below which sets out what we will be studying this term. In English, we will be looking at The Tempest by William Shakespeare and visiting The Globe in February. We will begin studying The Explorer by Katherine Rundell after half term if you wish to purchase the book to use in school.

We will be designing and making Cam toys in Design and Technology. Please save up cereal boxes and any other cardboard as we will need plenty to use in school! 

In Science we will be looking at processes including testing thermal and electrical conductors; separating mixtures; evaporating and condensing. 

We will also be preparing for our Residential visit in April. Please look out for letters regarding meetings. 

Indoor PE will resume on Wednesday PM. Please ensure children are in the correct kit.

Happy New Year

Mrs Brock


Thank you all very much for the generous gifts. We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in the new year. 

Christmas party

On Monday 18th, the children will be having their class Christmas party. Children are invited to come in non school uniform for the day but please rmember sensible clothing and footwear.

The children have also been told that they can bring in some party food to share with the class. They have been divided into two groups:

Sycamore and Horse Chestnut: something sweet

Oak and Willow: something savoury.



On Tuesday, those going to panto can also bring a snack and a drink for the interval. 


On both occasions, no nuts or fizzy drinks please.



River project homework

The children have brought home a sheet of paper outlining their homework for our next topic which is Rivers and Water. Below is a copy for your information.

Many thanks

Mr Humbug Sees the Light!

Thank you for your support in ensuring the children are reading and enjoying their performances this week. 

We have taken photos of the children in costume but as many of the year group do not have permission to have their photographs on the website, we are unable to post the pictures here. We have taken one for the newsletter that does not include these children. 

All other photographs will be displayed in the classroom windows for you to view.

Please can you check that you have ticked the relevant boxes on the data collection sheets to allow us to share photos of your children on the class pages. This is particularly important for those children going on the Y5 residential. 

Many thanks

Indoor PE

Now that we have finished our swimming block, we will be having indoor PE on Wednesday afternoons with Mrs Appleton. Please can you make sure children have plimsoles that they can keep in the classroom for when they do gymnastics. They will continue to come into school in their PE kits on Wednesday for indoor and Thursday for outdoor PE. I would recommend shorts for indoor as it can get very warm in the hall. 

Many thanks

Mrs Brock

Welcome to Year 5 - Owls class. 

We will have a 'meet the teacher' meeting during the first few weeks back but in the meantime, I have set out some guidelines for this year to help you become familiar with a few things. 


PE day is Thursday and will be taught by Mr Radley. Please come into school in school PE kit. As a reminder, this is a school logo (or plain) blue t shirt and shorts. For the colder days, plain black leggings or a plain black or navy blue tracksuit. School branded hoodies are available to buy from Patricia's but please label them. Please make sure all kit is labelled with your child's name. Children will also need plimsoles for indoor PE which should be brought in, in a named bag and left in school. This won't be until after Christmas.


Homework will be set on Thursdays and will be expected to be completed by the following Thursday. This will be Maths Shed and Spelling Shed. Children are also expected to read to an adult at least three times a week, varying the texts and genres that they choose. This should be recorded in their Reading Record books. Please continue to practice time tables using Times Tables Rockstars. It is important that children complete their set homework and seek help or guidance if they are unsure. 

Children will have had a piece of homework set for the summer holidays, please ensure that this is brought in during the first week, ideally on the first Monday back. The letter given to the children is below for your reference.

Pencil cases and stationary.

If children are bringing pencil cases to school, it is important that they can fit into their trays in the classroom so please keep them small! They should have their own blue handwriting pens (not biro) and a glue stick if possible. We have lots of pens and pencils in school but they are welcome to have those too if they choose to.

Walking home and Mobile Phones.

To clarify, some parents in Year 5 like their children to start leaving school on their own, this includes if you are meeting your child at the park. This is NOT compulsory and completely up to you as parents to make that decision. If your child is leaving school without an adult, they must have signed permission. Letters will be given to children at the beginning of the school year. Similarly, some children are given mobile phones if they are leaving school on their own. They will also need a permission letter for this. Please do not send phones in unless completely necessary and with permission as the school takes no responsibility if they are lost or broken. If your child is going home with anyone other that the people names on your collection letter, please telephone to office no later than 2:30pm to generate a password. This is part of our safeguarding procedures.


Swimming is a compulsory part of our PE curriculum for this term and 5B will begin their 5 week block in the first half of the Autumn term. Letters will come to you on the first week back. As in previous years, please ensure boys do not wear long shorts, girls need a one piece swimsuit (preferably black) and swimming hats and goggles need to be worn. We begin our swimming lessons on Friday 15th September. 


I am contactable on the year 5 email: Emails are checked between 8:30am and 5:30pm on school days. For anything urgent, please contact the school office. Please ensure the teacher's name is in the subject box as this is shared with myself and Miss Sorrell.

I have put onto this page an overview of the Autumn Term’s topics for your information which you will find in the 'class information' section.

I look forward to meeting you all during the course of the year.

Mrs Brock

Big Read - Cogheart



We would be grateful if children could have this book for English lessons during the Autumn term.