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Woodville Primary School

School's motto - Where this is learning in the air

Class 6M Badgers

Welcome to Class 6M's/ Badgers webpage!



Monday 22nd July

Children have leavers assembly at 9.30am.  Please can children wear their usual PE kit as they have leavers assembly in the afternoon.  However, if your child is wearing cycling shorts, we politely ask you to ensure they are of a suitable length (just above the knee).  If your child does not have longer black/navy blue cycling shorts, please can they wear alternative bottoms such as leggings.  


Please send your child in with a carrier bag so they can bring their book home. 


Tuesday 23rd July.

The tradition of shirt signing.  Children need to wear normal school uniform and bring in an additional shirt to sign on.  This means they will wear one - which won't be signed - and they will have a sperate shirt which will be signed.  They often wear this open over the top of the other shirt or they remove it to give pupils easy access to sign it.  

Due to assembly and various other activities in the morning, children will be able to have their shirts signed from lunchtime onwards. 


Children will be dismissed 5 minutes later at 3.20pm to allow for any parents and staff who wish to to gather by the block as they leave Woodville for the final time. 


If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact the year 6 team via email:


Many thanks

Year 6 team.

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