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Woodville Primary School

School's motto - Where this is learning in the air

Class 6M Badgers

Welcome to Class 6M's/ Badgers webpage!



Welcome to 6M's Class Page!


What a fantastic start to the school year! We have so many exciting things to learn and we are kicking off the year by learning all about Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. I hope you have all had a fantastic summer and I am looking forward to spending the last year of primary school with you!


  • PE - This year PE will be on a Monday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor). Please ensure that your child comes into school in the correct PE kit and that their clothing is clearly labelled so that we can return any lost items as efficiently as possible. Our school PE kit consists of a school logo (or plain) blue t-shirt and blue shorts. In the colder weather, plain black leggings or a plain navy blue/black tracksuit can be worn. Children will require plimsoles for indoor PE and these should be left in school in a named bag.
  • Homework - This will be set on a Friday and will be due in the following Friday. Homework will be set on Maths Shed and Spelling Shed. Your child will be given their log-ins which will be stuck into their reading record for safekeeping. It is important that children complete their homework, seeking guidance if they are unsure or need help. In a few weeks time, children will be provided with a Maths and English CPG homework book which may be sent home and will be marked in school as a class.
  • Pencil cases - Please ensure that pencil cases are of a suitable size and contain blue biro pens and a glue stick if possible. Children also use purple pens when they are self/peer assessing so this would be beneficial too. We have lots of equipment in school, so a pencil case is not compulsory but children are more than welcome to bring them in. I would suggest that all of your belongings are labelled.
  • Thesaurus - It would be beneficial for your child to have a copy of their own thesaurus to aid them during their writing tasks. Please ensure that these are named.
  • Mobile Phones and Walking Home - Please make sure that permission letters have been signed and sent into school if your child walks home from school or has a mobile phone. For safeguarding reasons, children will not be allowed to walk home without these forms. Please be reminded that the school takes no responsibility if mobile phones are lost or broken.



Should you have any questions or queries, please note that the Year 6 email is: Please ensure that the teacher's name is in the subject box as this inbox is shared between both Year 6 classes.


Thank you for your ongoing support,


Mrs Manning

This week's homework


Due: Friday 3rd May


English Homework


Children are to complete pages 40 and 41 from their CPG book.


Children are to also practise their spellings on Spelling Shed.


Maths Homework 


Children have been asked to complete the following pages from their maths teacher.  


Miss Austin's maths group - word problem worksheets provided in class

Mrs Manning's group - pages 84 and 85


We mark these together in class on Friday so please ensure they are in school!

Bringing in early before deadline day is fine as well.  Remember to only do the pages set as they are inline with class learning and equally other pages will be set throughout the year once concepts have been taught and delivered in class first.

Our writing will be based on Macbeth during the Spring term

Plushie homework

Autumn Term Web page

Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let your Teacher know!

Have you seen the Kids'Zone? Play games, and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites!