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Woodville Primary School

School's motto - Where this is learning in the air

Eco School

🌻 Eco Schools News 🌻



🌏 Our Eco Code 🌏


Plant more trees, 

Protect the bees. 

Pick up your litter, 

Hear the birds twitter/ 

Ride your bike or scoot to school, 

Your friends will think you're really cool. 


Summer Term News 


The eco team have looked back on all our efforts this year and come up with a new eco code to reflect this. As a school we have enjoyed taking part in the Beat the Streets competition too. 


Spring Term News


During the spring term the whole school took part in the RSPB big bird watch. The reception and KS1 children did this at school and KS2 went into the local area. 



🌏 2023-2024 🌏


Woodville are proud to announce that their Eco Team worked so hard last year that the school was awarded an Eco School award with distinction!! :) 

Well done to our Eco Team for their hard work and all staff and pupils at Woodville who helped us to achieve this! 

♻️ Autumn Term News ♻️


At the start of the term, each class held a vote so we now have 12 new members of our Eco team. 


We have already held our first meeting to identify areas that we would like to work on this year. 


So far, the Eco team have refreshed our recycling system in school, introducing new paper recycling sacks to ensure we are recycling to our best efforts! 

We have organised a Trash Mob where each Friday a class will carry out a litter pick on our school grounds. This is incredibly successful, ensuring our grounds are clean, tidy and that there is no rubbish that can impact on our wildlife. 


On 14th November, the Eco team extended our litter pick to our local environment. Armed with gloves, sacks and our litter picks, we went to the field opposite the school by the Village Hall and cleaned up any litter there too! 


Future activities and projects we are hoping to work on: 


January - RSPB Big Schools Bird Watch 

February- World Nest Box Week 

March - Woodville's school Eco day on Sustainability 

April - Big Battery Hunt 

May - Big Plastic count 

June - Grounds for nature bio-blitz 

July- Butterfly Conservation Big Butterfly Count 




Trip to Hyde Hall

In the Autumn term, last year’s Eco-team went to Hyde Hall. We had glorious weather and a fantastic time completing a range of activities such as: a nature hunt, making a bird feeder, nest making for birds, making a planter from a recycled milk bottle and collecting seeds from a Titan Sunflower.  




Our litter pick!

Our Trip to Hyde Hall