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Woodville Primary School

School's motto - Where this is learning in the air

Class 4B- Adder

Residential meeting

On Wednesday 19th June at 6:15pm there will be a residential meeting to introduce you to Bawdsey Manor. Please follow the zoom link below.

Thank you 

Mrs Brock

Summer Term 2024

When we return after the Easter holidays, our focus will be on life in Britain during WW2.


We will look at the outbreak of World War II and its impact on Britain. Children will understand the significance of the home front and how the role of women changed.  We will look at the impact of food shortages via rationing and how the war ended. Our learning will be enriched through a visit to Braintree Museum.

In English, we will begin with poetry before moving on to letters, diaries and biographies linked to our topic. Our 'Big Read' will be Until the Road Ends by Phil Earle.

In maths, we will continue to prepare for our multiplication check with daily practice. We will be learning about properties of shapes, data handling, position and direction and telling the time on both digital and analogue clocks.

Our science starts with a focus on sound, before moving on to studying solids, liquids and gases and changes of state.

Spring Term 2024

Our topic this term is 'Roman Britain'. We will Study the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain, looking at Julius Caesar’s attempted invasion in 55-54 BC, the Roman Empire by AD 42 and the power of its army, the successful invasion by Claudius, the British resistance and revolt of Boudicca. We also have a visit planned to Colchester  Castle in February to enhance our learning.


In English we will begin with poetry, exploring imagery and thinking about what could be in our ‘Magic Box’. Next, we will explore persuasive speeches.  We will look at how they are used effectively before writing and performing our own linked to our Roman topic.

In Maths we will continue to work on our times tables; multiply 3 numbers using associative and commutative law; explore factor pairs and learn  formal written methods for multiplication and division. we will begin to solve simple correspondence problems.  

In Science we will explore and investigate a range of habitats and the animals that live there. We will begin to understand adaptation and classification within the animal world.


Our 'Big Read' is ....


Autumn Term 2023

Welcome to year 4 - I hope you have had a good summer and are feeling refreshed and ready to learn!




Our topic this term will be The Rainforest. We will begin by locating where rainforests are in the world and look at their physical geography, including weather and climate. We will investigate the different layers of the rainforest and the causes and effects of deforestation. Later on in the term we will be looking at settlements in the rainforest.


In English, we will begin with descriptive writing, using all our senses to describe a rainforest setting. We will then move onto writing non-chronological reports based on rivers and rainforest animals.


In Maths, we begin the term focusing on place value of 4 digit numbers and simple decimals.  We will then move on to addition and subtraction, looking at formal written methods and using these to solve problems. We will also learn to estimate by rounding and use the inverse to check our answers. 


In Science, we will begin looking at animals (including humans).  We will learn about food chains and food webs, using examples including animals found in the rainforests. We will also be studying different types of teeth and their functions as well as exploring how our digestive system works. After half-term our focus switches to 'Electricity'


Our 'Big Read' is ...




Mr Imber will be teaching you for outdoor PE each TUESDAY - Please come into school each week dressed appropriately in your blue T shirt, shorts and trainers. You may wear a plain, dark coloured tracksuit/ royal blue hoodie if the weather is chilly. Long hair must be tied back and no jewellery worn.

Our Indoor PE will be on Monday afternoon. Children need to come into school in their PE kit. 


Don't forget, you only need a very small school bag and your pencil case must fit in your tray. You should bring a named water bottle and a fruit/vegetable snack for break if you want one. As the weather gets colder, please make sure you have a warm, waterproof coat in school everyday. 


Please make sure you are reading regularly at home and taking time to discuss what you have read. Practising times tables every day will really help you too.


You can contact any member of the year 4 team on

Using TT Rockstars


GARAGE – times tables set by the teacher

JAMMING – choose your own times tables to practise. You are able to select multiplication, division or a mixture of both. You can also choose the number of questions to answer. 

STUDIO – general practise to improve your ‘Rock Status’. It will also give you your average speed.

SOUNDCHECK – this activity will give the children 6 seconds to answer a random set of 25 questions. This looks very much like the times tables check the children will complete in the summer term.