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Woodville Primary School

School's motto - Where this is learning in the air

Class 2C Hedgehogs

Welcome to 2C (Hedgehogs)

Miss Cohen's Class

Thank you!


Dear parents/carers and children,


Thank you so much for all of my wonderful gifts, you have been very generous and I feel very spoilt. I hope you all have a fantastic summer and I look forward to seeing you all again in Year 3!


Miss Cohen 



Summer Term

Our history and geography topic is:


- exploring a country from a different continent -





We will be exploring the story 'The Dark' by Lemony Snicket. We will be writing a narrative text and a poem based on the story. After that, we will look at non-chronological reports using 'The Koala who Could' and a persuasive text using 'The Magic Finger' as inspiration. 


Our first Big Read is The Boy Who Grew Dragons by Andy Shepherd.



We will be covering fractions this half term. We will also be looking at reasoning and arithmetic problems. 



We will be learning about materials and plants this term. We will carry out investigations using a range of materials as well as researching different scientists. We will be dissecting plants, growing different plants and exploring the different things that plants need to grow healthily. 



We will be looking at building positive, healthy relationships in our 'Building Relationships' unit.  We will finish the year with our 'Changing Me' unit where we look at changes and coping positively with these changes. 

🌸 Spring Term ðŸŒ¸

Your topic this term is...

🔥 The Great Fire of London 🔥

This term we will be learning about The Great Fire of London and the Stuart times in our history lessons. We will hopefully be taking part in a ‘History off the Page' day during the first half term. 


In English, we will be focusing on Vlad and The Great Fire of London to write diary entries and poems. . In Science, our topic is animals including humans where we will look at what humans and animals need to grow and survive, healthy eating, the importance of exercise and lifecycles,  In Maths, we will be working on multiplication and division, as well as working hard on our reasoning skills.


In HRSE, we will be looing at 'Dreams and Goals' where we will look at aspirations, how to achieve goals and understanding the emotions that go with this

We will also be studying 'Healthy Me' and learning how to keep safe and healthy. 

Merry Christmas

Thank you so much for all of my lovely cards and gifts.  You have been so generous and it is very much appreciated.  I hope you all have a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.


See you in 2024!

Miss Cohen 

500 Words

As a school, we are entering the 500 Words competition run by the BBC.  The children have planned and written their stories independently in class.  For the stories to be entered, the children need to have their stories typed as handwritten copies are not accepted. If you would like your child to be entered, please can you type up their story and send it into by Tuesday 7th November 2023.  We will accept your email back as consent to submit them to the competition.

Many thanks,

The Year 2 team.


Autumn Term 
Around the World


Image result for world map for kids


In the Autumn Term, our topic is 'Around the World'. We will be learning lots about the world around us, including the names of oceans and continents and discovering lots about different explorers and their missions. 


In English lessons, we will be looking at different features we can find in poems and focusing on performing poetry effectively. We will also be writing our own set of 'disgusting' instructions, character descriptions and Christmas themed letters. 


In maths lessons, we will be recapping our number and place value knowledge, addition and subtraction.  We will work on our fluency and tackle challenges using our reasoning and problem solving skills. 


In science, we will be learning about living things and their habitats.  This will hopefully include a trip to Hyde Hall so please keep an eye out for a letter in the next few weeks. 


In HRSE, we will look at 'Being me in my World' where we will look at who we are and how we fit in the world.  We will then move on to 'Celebrating Difference' where we look at similarities and differences, anti-bullying and being unique. 


Our first 'Big Read' will be Mr Penguin and the Lost Treasure.


Indoor PE will be on a Thursday and outdoor PE is on a Friday- please come into school in your PE kit.  Long hair must be tied back and no jewellery is to be worn. 


Forest School is on a Wednesday.


School bags only need to be school (just big enough for a book and reading record.  Pencil cases are not needed, however, should your child want to bring one it needs to be small enough to fit in their tray.  


A healthy snack of fruit or vegetable will be provided each day.  If you want to send your child in with their own fruit or vegetable snack this is also ok.  Please also ensure your child has a named water bottle.  These can be refilled when necessary throughout the school day. 


Please read as often as possible with your child nd make a note of this in their reading record.  Maths and Spelling homework will be set on a Friday and due in the next Friday. This will be set on EdShed.  Additionally, they can practice their times tables on TTRockstars.  All login details can be found at the back of their reading records. 


You can contact the Year 2 team on


Autumn topic web

Meet the Teacher

Times Table Rockstars

GARAGE – times tables set by the teacher

JAMMING – choose your own times tables to practise. You are able to select multiplication, division or a mixture of both. You can also choose the number of questions to answer. 

STUDIO – general practise to improve your ‘Rock Status’. It will also give you your average speed.

SOUNDCHECK – this activity will give the children 6 seconds to answer a random set of 25 questions. This is the speed they will need once they get to Year 4 so they may not be ready for this speed just yet.

All home learning lessons and resources can be found on Teams.