Headteacher's welcome to Woodville Primary School.
A very warm welcome to Woodville Primary School’s website. It gives me great pleasure and pride introduce myself to you as the Head Teacher of Woodville Primary School. I am absolutely thrilled to be in this position and to ensure that the school goes from strength to strength.
As a school, there is so much to be proud of staff work positively with the support of the children, parents/carers and governors to continuously move the school forward. We believe that every child has the ability to do amazing things – together we can make this potential a reality.
Woodville Primary School – Curriculum 2023 - 2024
The aims of Woodville Primary School are:
1. To provide opportunities for pupils to develop as independent, confident, resilient, successful aspirational learners who know how to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society.
2. To provide an exciting, structured creative curriculum that leads to sustained mastery for all and a greater depth understanding for those who are able.
We believe that all pupils have the potential to succeed in all areas of learning and encourage a Growth Mindset’ approach. Our pupils are encouraged to discuss their learning and to be reflective learners. There is a high focus on developing pupil’s moral, spiritual, social and cultural understanding and their mental wellbeing. We understand that pupils need both a sense of valuing themselves, and developing aspirations for their future and their community.
The School’s focus on curriculum development has been carefully designed to ensure coverage and progression. We offer a thematic, mastery curriculum to engage, excite and immerse the pupils in their learning encouraging questioning and inquisitiveness. When appropriate, cross- curricular activities are planned for and enable the pupils to embed their skills in a variety of contexts and practice and improve their knowledge base. Pupils are encouraged to master each stage of the Curriculum before moving on so that the fundamental skills and knowledge are secured.
Our Curriculum is progressive and allows pupils to learn and develop a range of transferable skills making connections with prior and current learning. Pupils are given opportunities to explain what they already know about a subject and what they would like to know during the lessons. Phonics and reading is a key part of our curriculum. Subject specific vocabulary and understanding is paramount to ensure pupils develop breadth to their learning.
Our Curriculum provides pupils with memorable experiences allowing them to learn in a variety of ways both inside and outside of the classroom using a variety of resources. Class trips, workshops and visitors to the school brings the ‘learning to life’ and embeds the learning together with the vibrant school environment.
Our pupils have the opportunities to develop their confidence, independence and resilience through a range of inspiring learning opportunities including, creative and logical problem solving, computing, researching curriculum Topics and developing skills in a range of sports. Our school environment allows pupils to use the natural outside environment for learning and enrichment activities for example, Forest Schools. Pupil voice is also important and we have our Junior Leadership Team, our School Councillors and our Eco Warriors to work together to share their ideas.
At Woodville Primary School you will notice the exemplary learning behaviour of our pupils and the friendliness and commitment of our staff. We believe that your children should be safe and happy at school and look forward to each school day. Please browse through or website to find out more about our School.
If you would like to contact us on 01245 321755 or admin@woodville.essex.sch.uk
We would be happy to meet you.
Miss J Phillips - Headteacher
Each year we welcome 60 pupils into our school community. Applications for a place at Woodville are made through our Local Authority; Essex County Council (Admissions Department) and are allocated using the criteria set out in our Admissions policy, which can be found in the Policy/Documents section under the heading Parents. We have sufficient disabled access and if you wish to find out more, our Access Plan is available upon request.
Our school gates are open from 8.35am and the school day timetable is shown below:
Infants 8.40am - 3.10pm
Juniors 8.45am -3.15pm
Lunch 12- 1pm
Break times: Infants 10.10am – 10.25am Juniors 10.30m – 10.45am
Morning assemblies take place for Juniors at 9am-9.30am and Infants 9.50am-10.10am on a Monday and Friday. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we have Reflection time.
We have tried to include all the information that you will need to find out about our school on this website. You will find a variety of documents and guidance for parents, together with details of our school curriculum, which can be found in the Key Information tab under "Our school curriculum."
We hope that you enjoy your visit and that you find all the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.
Our friendly Office staff will be very pleased to help with any questions you may have. They are: Mrs. Young, Mrs.Newell, Mrs. Jones , Mrs Thomson and Mrs. Faiers
Thank you for visiting us.
Kind regards,
Miss J. Phillips
Head teacher