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Woodville Primary School

School's motto - Where this is learning in the air

Class 1A/W- Robins

Welcome to Year One 1AW


Mrs Adams - Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

Miss Wilson - Thursday & Friday

Welcome to Year 1


We are very excited to start the school year with you all.


When you come into school in the mornings there will be an adult on the gate for a short while to speak to about any immediate concerns you may have. Please email to arrange a more convenient time to chat if you need to.

We will endeavour to support where we can and make year 1 as comfortable and happy for everyone.


Thank you,

Mrs Adams & Miss Wilson smiley

PE Schedule


Indoor PE - Monday

Teacher - Mrs Adams

Please could children come into school wearing their PE kit and trainers.

If you have plimsoles for your child, they can stay in their PE bag in school.


Outdoor PE - Wednesday

Teacher - Mrs Appleton

Children to come into school ready in their PE kit.



🐝 Spelling Shed 🐝


Spelling Shed will start soon.

Assignments will be set on a Friday and remain available until the following Friday when the next ones are set. Please check the classroom window for details of the phonics set that week. 

Spelling shed consists of games to reinforce phonics and spelling at home. Children earn points and develop from a grub into a worker bee until the ultimate success of being the queen bee! On the way they earn honey pots to spend on changing their avatar and the points not only inform progress but collectively join the class total points.