Class 6S Badgers
Welcome to Badgers 6S.
We are all looking forward to welcoming you back to school on Wednesday 4th September, and hope you have all had a wonderful Summer holiday and are looking forward to seeing your Extreme Earth projects!
To ensure you are ready for the new term, please be aware of the following:
- PE days are Wednesday (for indoor PE) and Thursday (outdoor PE).
- Please bring a pencil case with a blue pen, pencil, ruler and glue stick.
- It would assist you to have your own Thesaurus.
**Letters regarding permission to walk home and mobile phones will come out on Wednesday 4th September. Please note if your child had permission to walk from year 5, this will remain in place for the first few days; but you will still need to complete and return the new consent form.
If you wish your child to walk home with immediate effect, and didn't have consent for this in year 5, you must email in order for this to happen. **
Dates to be aware of:
* Thursday 12th September - meet the teacher 9.00am in year 6 classes
*Thursday 3rd October - Extreme Earth Workshop in the hall
*Friday 4th October - Maths workshop 9 - 10 am and 2-3 pm