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Woodville Primary School

School's motto - Where this is learning in the air

Class 3C - Kingfisher

    Welcome to Kingfisher Class Page

                Miss Cohen 




Autumn Term:

This term our topic is The Stone Age. In History the children will be finding out about life in the Stone Age and making comparisons to life today. For further information on the curriculum this term please see the topic web. 


Homework and Reading 

Homework is set each week on Maths shed and Spelling shed. They also have access to Times Table Rockstars to practice their times tables. All children have log in details for these in the back of their reading journals. These homework tasks are online and mark automatically, but teachers regularly check this data and monitor it. Homework is set on a Friday and due in the following Thursday. 



Outdoor PE is on a Monday and indoor PE is on Tuesday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit. Children must not wear earrings. 



Later in the year, we will have a block of swimming lessons.  Letters will be sent out nearer the time. 


If you have have any questions please send an email year 3 staff on 



Times Table Rockstars

GARAGE – times tables set by the teacher

JAMMING – choose your own times tables to practice. You are able to select multiplication, division or a mixture of both. You can also choose the number of questions to answer. 

STUDIO – general practise to improve your ‘Rock Status’. It will also give you your average speed.

SOUNDCHECK – this activity will give the children 6 seconds to answer a random set of 25 questions. This is the speed they will need once they get to Year 4 so they may not be ready for this speed just yet.