Class 5B/K - Deer
Welcome to Deer 5BK
Welcome to Year 5 - Deer Class
Our 'meet the teacher' session for parents will take place during the first few weeks back, but in the meantime, we have set out some guidelines for this year to help you become familiar with a few things.
In Deer class (5BK) the children will be taught by Mrs Basaras on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and by Mrs Keogh on a Thursday and Friday. The TA supporting across the year 5 classes will be Mrs Neeve.
Our topic this term is The Victorians. We will look at the life of Queen Victoria and how important she is in British History. We will find out about inventions and how they have changed over time. We will also look at the Industrial Revolution and the place of women in this time, Children’s rights and the Rules, Law and values that were important as well as Crime and Punishment.
In English we will explore and write poems based on The Kraken by Alfred Lord Tennyson. We will use our class text as a basis for writing diaries, news reports and letters
In Maths we will explore place value in numbers beyond 10,000. We will look at ordering, comparing and rounding numbers, including negative numbers. We will use formal written methods for addition and subtraction and then explore methods of multiplication and division. Next we will move on to fractions.
In Science we will investigate Earth and space in relation to the solar system. We will look and learn the size and order of planets. We will also look at how the planets orbit the sun and how many hours of daylight we have. We will learn about the Moon’s orbit and phases of the moon and also consider key people and theories associated with Space.
Outdoor PE day is Wednesday and will be taught by Mr Imber (from the week beginning 9th September). Please come into school in school PE kit. As a reminder, this is a school logo (or plain) blue t shirt and blue shorts. For the colder days, plain black leggings or joggers and a blue hoodie will be needed. Please make sure all kit is labelled with your child’s name. Children will also need plimsoles for indoor PE which should be brought in, in a named bag and left in school. As year 5 will be swimming in the Autumn term, indoor PE will begin after Christmas.
Pencil cases and stationary.
If children are bringing pencil cases to school, it is important that they can fit into their trays in the classroom so please keep them small! They should have blue pens and a glue stick if possible.
Homework will be set on Wednesday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. This will be Maths Shed and Spelling Shed. Children are also expected to read to an adult at least three times a week, varying the texts and genres that they choose. This should be recorded in their Reading Record books. Please continue to revise times tables using Times Tables Rockstars. It is important that children try to complete their set homework and seek help or guidance if they are unsure.
Children will have had a piece of homework set for the summer holidays, please ensure that this is brought in during the first week, ideally on the first day back.
Walking home and Mobile Phones.
Some parents in Year 5 like their children to start leaving school on their own, this includes if you are meeting your child at the park. This is NOT compulsory and completely up to you as parents to make that decision. If your child is leaving school without an adult, they must have signed permission. Letters will be given to children at the beginning of the school year. Similarly, some children are given mobile phones if they are leaving school on their own. They will also need a permission letter for this. Please do not send phones in unless completely necessary and with permission as the school takes no responsibility if they are lost or broken.
Swimming is a compulsory part of our PE curriculum for this term and 5BK will begin their block around half term. Swimming takes place on Friday afternoons. Letters will come to you soon. As in previous years, please ensure boys do not wear long shorts, girls need a one piece swimsuit (preferably black) and swimming hats and goggles need to be worn.
All members of year 5 staff can be contacted via the following email:
Please ensure the teacher's name is in the subject box.