Class 5B/K - Deer
Please make payment for The Globe trip ASAP. As permission slips are no longer sent out via the classroom, we cannot keep a track on whose permission we are waiting on. In order for us to staff and risk assess the trip, we need to have numbers at least 10 days before the trip. If you did not receive an email, please login to your ParentPay account.
This week, the children will be starting a block of Yoga lessons in their Friday indoor PE session. They are welcome to bring in a blanket for the last part of the session which will focus on wellbeing and mindfulness.
On the 31st January, we will be visiting the library in the morning to complete an activity based on Rivers. If children have a library card, they are welcome to bring it along and borrow a book from the library.
Please check that payments for residential are up to date. Final payment must be made before we go. There will be a virtual meeting on the 19th March at 6pm via zoom. Details will be sent after half term.
Globe trip
Please be aware that there was a typo on the letter that was sent virtually. We will be back at school by 3:30 at the latest rather than 2:30 as stated on the letter. Please also be aware that letters are sent via the office and we do not hold a hard copy in the classroom. Permission is given by ticking the box on Parentpay once payment for the trip has been made.
Residential meeting
Please be aware that there will be an online meeting for the Year 5 residential at 6pm on the 19th March. The zoom link will be sent nearer the time.
Spring term
Welcome back to the new term! Thank you for supporting the children in producing their River project homework. They look amazing.
This term there are already many things happening and I will try to keep you updated as often as I can. Please check the school calendar and parent emails for notices.
You should have received a letter regarding our trip to The Globe. Letters are now entirely via email and permission slips are ticked when payment is made. Please see the office if you have not received a letter as I do not hold hard copies any longer.
PE on Friday will begin on the 24th January so children should come to school in their PE kit. We have received training on a new indoor PE scheme so will be rolling this out ASAP. Please ensure that children have plimsoles that are kept in school for indoor activities. There may be some weeks where we go outside so ensuring that children have suitable clothing is key.
Spring term homework
The children have been given their homework for the start of the new topic; Rivers and Water. I have also posted the same piece of paper in the documents below for your reference.
Many thanks
Rivers homework
Spring term
Year 5 performance
There are no physical tickets being handed out for these performances. Please turn up for the performance(s) you have booked and your name will be ticked off. You will then be given a programme. There are still spaces available for tomorrow AM and PM please contact the office if your would like more.
Many thanks
Year 5 Team
Christmas play
This week, we sent the children home with a slip detailing what we would like them to have for their costumes. I have attached the slips we gave them in a document just in case they didn't make it home! Please can we have all costumes in by the 4th December. If you have the costume before then, they can be brought in, in a named carrier bag with a hanger please.
Letters were sent via email to book tickets for the performances. If you are having any trouble with this, please see Mrs Newell in the office.
Please encourage your children to actively learn their lines this weekend as, as of Monday, we will not be using scripts!
If you have Spotify, you can access the songs on there and the children can practice them at home.
Thank you
Mrs Brock, Mrs Basaras and Mrs Keogh
Residential update
Thank you all for paying the deposits to secure your child a place on the Year 5 Residential. We now have final numbers and are able to confirm the final cost including the coach. This was slightly more than expected due to rising fuel and coach hire costs. The total cost is £270 which is £20 more than we predicted it would be. Mrs Newell has set out a payment schedule which will be on ParentPay this week where there are options to pay the full amount or in installments. A letter will come out today detailing the breakdowns.
I would also like to add that this is the biggest uptake that we have had for a Year 5 residential which is wonderful. I am sure they will have a wonderful and memorable time.
Mrs Brock
Photo day.
This Wednesday is school photo day. I have been told that Mr Imber is not in this week therefore the children will not be having their regular PE lesson. Please can they come to school in school uniform for this Wednesday only.
Many thanks
Macmillan coffee day!
On Friday we will be hosting a cake sale for the children and a coffee morning for parents and carers. Cake donations can be brought in from Wednesday 25th. A letter was sent out via Parentpay with more details. There will be two coffee sessions; 9am and 2:15pm. We also have a wonderful group of children who will be entertaining you with their singing.
Please help us to support this incredible charity.
Welcome to Deer 5BK
Welcome to Year 5 - Deer Class
Our 'meet the teacher' session for parents will take place during the first few weeks back, but in the meantime, we have set out some guidelines for this year to help you become familiar with a few things.
In Deer class (5BK) the children will be taught by Mrs Basaras on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and by Mrs Keogh on a Thursday and Friday. The TA supporting across the year 5 classes will be Mrs Neeve.
Our topic this term is The Victorians. We will look at the life of Queen Victoria and how important she is in British History. We will find out about inventions and how they have changed over time. We will also look at the Industrial Revolution and the place of women in this time, Children’s rights and the Rules, Law and values that were important as well as Crime and Punishment.
In English we will explore and write poems based on The Kraken by Alfred Lord Tennyson. We will use our class text as a basis for writing diaries, news reports and letters
In Maths we will explore place value in numbers beyond 10,000. We will look at ordering, comparing and rounding numbers, including negative numbers. We will use formal written methods for addition and subtraction and then explore methods of multiplication and division. Next we will move on to fractions.
In Science we will investigate Earth and space in relation to the solar system. We will look and learn the size and order of planets. We will also look at how the planets orbit the sun and how many hours of daylight we have. We will learn about the Moon’s orbit and phases of the moon and also consider key people and theories associated with Space.
Outdoor PE day is Wednesday and will be taught by Mr Imber (from the week beginning 9th September). Please come into school in school PE kit. As a reminder, this is a school logo (or plain) blue t shirt and blue shorts. For the colder days, plain black leggings or joggers and a blue hoodie will be needed. Please make sure all kit is labelled with your child’s name. Children will also need plimsoles for indoor PE which should be brought in, in a named bag and left in school. As year 5 will be swimming in the Autumn term, indoor PE will begin after Christmas.
Pencil cases and stationary.
If children are bringing pencil cases to school, it is important that they can fit into their trays in the classroom so please keep them small! They should have blue pens and a glue stick if possible.
Homework will be set on Wednesday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. This will be Maths Shed and Spelling Shed. Children are also expected to read to an adult at least three times a week, varying the texts and genres that they choose. This should be recorded in their Reading Record books. Please continue to revise times tables using Times Tables Rockstars. It is important that children try to complete their set homework and seek help or guidance if they are unsure.
Children will have had a piece of homework set for the summer holidays, please ensure that this is brought in during the first week, ideally on the first day back.
Walking home and Mobile Phones.
Some parents in Year 5 like their children to start leaving school on their own, this includes if you are meeting your child at the park. This is NOT compulsory and completely up to you as parents to make that decision. If your child is leaving school without an adult, they must have signed permission. Letters will be given to children at the beginning of the school year. Similarly, some children are given mobile phones if they are leaving school on their own. They will also need a permission letter for this. Please do not send phones in unless completely necessary and with permission as the school takes no responsibility if they are lost or broken.
Swimming is a compulsory part of our PE curriculum for this term and 5BK will begin their block around half term. Swimming takes place on Friday afternoons. Letters will come to you soon. As in previous years, please ensure boys do not wear long shorts, girls need a one piece swimsuit (preferably black) and swimming hats and goggles need to be worn.
All members of year 5 staff can be contacted via the following email:
Please ensure the teacher's name is in the subject box.